The new round starts on May 8th

The 5-week live program designed for guiding you
into the business world online.


This program helps you understand the world that is creating an online-course and/or online-coaching space. You will learn the strategy & mindset that is required to succeed when you are offering a product to your clients online, that is, all around the world.

Your unique voice and genuine intention to contribute positively to someone else's Life is what will create a difference and assure that the right people connect with you and your business. Which brings us back to core questions: Who are you really, when you don't have to be anyone or anything? And how can your vision become a statement?

This will change considerably what you think is possible, and how much joy, ease and flow you let into your Life. First, you enlarge your own inner horizon of possibilities, before you reach for a greater possibilities on your external horizon.

It requires commitment - to your goals and your craft. It asks you to explore new ways of working, and it invites you to cultivate a deeper awareness of your own mindset and energy.

An online-business opens the door to connecting with your community across the globe - those who are seeking answers and know they will find them in the solutions you provide.

Let's start this journey and co-creating!


Sessions will take place
on Thursdays at 9.30 am CST - 10.30 am EST - 16:30 Uhr DACH Zeit

The calendar dates of the sessions are the following:

May 8th, 9:30 am CST

May 15th, 9:30 am CST

May 22nd, 9:30 am CST

May 29th, 9:30 am CST

June 5th, 9:30 am CST

Session 1 - Personal Brand & Niche

May 8th, 9:30 am CST

Connect with your own path and story to define what your course
is about and who it is for. Which problems have you solved?
How can you pass that on?

Session 2 - Course Creation

May 15th, 9:30 am CST

Learn how to communicate clearly your knowledge and build a course based on a structure that is understandable and takes your clients through different stages.

Session 3 - Newsletter and Freebie Building

May 22nd, 9:30 am CST

Building a newsletter community gives you the opportunity to A) dive into your passion for writing and words and B) connect in a longer format with your audience. In this session, we'll look at how to write newsletters that are actually read by your audience, and how to invite more people into your newsletter community.

Session 4 - Soulcial Media

May 29th, 9:30 am CST

Yes, you read right. Social Media but with heart and soul ;) In this session, we focus on how to create content that truly resonates with your audience and picks people up exactly where they are. Which, more than analysis, requires understanding and empathy. How to combine the two and create content that creates connections - we'll dive into it in this session.

Session 5 - The Art of Soulful Selling

June 5th, 9:30 am CST

Selling is an art! This session combines money mindset, abundance mindset, and the practicalities of setting up systems that help you make sales not once, not twice, but all the time. Even while you are sleeping or enjoying a walk in nature. That's the perks of having an online-business.

No one ever before had an ocean of
opportunities right at their fingertips.

It takes a click to post and share.
It takes a second to send a message around the globe.

What once was a miracle to some, is now mundane to everyone.
What once was impossible to believe, has now become a new entry in the calendar, with an automatic reminder so we don't forget.

Do we ever realize how lucky we are, to experience the possibilities of a digital age? When an opportunity knocks on your door, open it.

You can change someone else's life from the comfort of your own home, a coffee shop that inspires you, a place that sparks ideas.

We are connected as visibly and tangibly as never before. Let's not hold back what there is to share, contribute and positively impact.

Build Your Online-Business

Working online as an act of service.
Start creating more freedom, more time, and more joy.

Your wish for more freedom is rooted in purpose

You wish to have more time - not being idle or ignorant, but with the deep desire to spend more time connecting with your creativity.

You don't believe in contrasting life and work, everyday and family, career or friendships. You connect it, knowing both are sources of inspiration.

You won't ask for more, unless it comes from a desire spoken out by your heart. Greed is a word you no longer know, there is only curiosity, and an intriguing question -

What else is possible?

To sell, one serves.
To scale, one serves.
To thrive, one serves.
To create, one connects.

Gather your knowledge and create a world with it that can be entered at any time, by anyone. You don't have to take care of it, you don't have to be present all the time. You invite, and hold the space.

We all know that sometimes, having a cup of coffee contemplating life, that's the most creative and "productive" place to be ;) Let that be a celebration of cleverly outsourcing what is not yours to hold in your hands all the time.

Let it go, to let it flow.

Build Your Online-Business.
I am thrilled to explore these possibilities with you.

Let's co-create,