Define your Inner Colors and create your best Life through Journaling

Your unique set of Inner Colors defines your priorities, core values
and characteristics - your essence, so to speak.

Everything you are, when you don't have to be anyone or anything -
that is your set of Inner Colors.

A unique way of Journaling

With the method unique to The Journal of a Healer,
you get clarity on who you truly are, what you truly want,
and how you create your very own version of a fulfilling success.

Or, as we say here - you learn to connect with your unique set of Inner Colors and share them on the canvas called life.

Start Journaling

This purchase comes with lifetime access.

Write yourself to clarity &

create a Life in alignment with your
core values and priorities.

Each human being comes to this planet with a unique set of Inner Colors. The challenge? We are taught to adapt to other color palettes, and, by doing that, lose our very own essence.

Your task in this Life is to connect with your unique set of Inner Colors and share these on your canvas called Life.

With the journaling method taught at The Journal of a Healer, you will learn how to prioritize your Inner Colors day by day and decision by decision.

If you protect and confidently step up for your own priorities, you will inevitably build a Life you feel at home in.

Journaling is easy, efficient and does not require more than a pen and paper. In this course, you learn how to write yourself to clarity, consistency & contentment.