How to create conscious relationships,
heal heartbreak and manifest your dream partner. 

Say, are you walking through your days with an open heart?

Have you ever wondered why some are so lucky in love and others are not?
Have you found yourself wondering whether there is someone out there for you?
Have you spent sleepless nights asking questions, unanswered?
Turning around in your bed looking at an emptiness you don't know how to fill?

Are you scared to open your heart again, yet want to give it a try so badly?

You hold the power to create the fulfilling romantic relationship you dream of.
How? Let's explore it here together.

Relationships are spaces of profound healing.
If you approach these spaces with curiosity,
you really learn so much about yourself,
your life, your purpose, and your dreams.

The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.

Nobody teaches us about Love. When in fact, it is one of the most important areas of our lives. How can we create a conscious and healthy bond with another person?

Before you connect with someone else, connect with your Self. Connect with your dreams, and connect with your shadow. Connect with your imperfections and connect with your strengths. Connect your truest Self. Connect with your own unique set of Inner Colors, and your very own definition of a fulfilling and meaningful success.

From that place of deeply knowing and understanding yourself, invite someone else into your Life. And then, paint together, inspiring one another as you get to know the layers of your partner's painting, exploring their very own unique Inner Colors and beginning to grasp the miracle it is, to co-create.

Manifesting Love begins with meeting your Self.
Then, you get to meet your Soulmate.


Journaling & Love

This course takes you through each and every chapter and stage
there is to healing, choosing and living Love.

  Welcome to Journaling & Love!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Base - Relationship to Self
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The partner is an add-on
Available in days
days after you enroll
  What are conscious relationships?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Attachment Styles
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Hey, let's talk about Heartbreak
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Attracting A Soulmate
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Dating & The dynamic of a relationship
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Let's talk about the S-word
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Creating Love
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Summing it up ...
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course covers


  • Understanding and living self-worth
  • Feeling grounded and content with your Life regardless of your relationship status
  • The theory on Attachment Styles and how these shape your decision-making
  • Healing Heartbreak
  • Attracting your Soulmate
  • Navigating Dating
  • Navigating being in a Relationship
  • Understanding Relationship Patterns
  • Creating conscious relationships in and beyond the romantic space

55 Chapters. 50 Videos.
Over 100 Journal Prompts.
Tools that last for lifetime.


Journaling & Love

How to create conscious relationships,
heal heartbreak and manifest your dream partner.

When purchased individually, this course comes with lifetime access,
including all future updates and added contents.

This course is also accessible through the membership The Atelier


Don't wait for Love.
Create it. Be it.

When you least expect it, you will find it. It will find you.
You will be open enough to see it, and let it in.

In, into the world you have created for yourself, the world you have decorated with adornments of meaning and joy, fulfillment and fondness.

When you least ask for it, it will answer.
When you least crave for it, you will create it.

Love is not something you search for, it is something you see, in every word of your story, it is entangled in each chapter, it is perceivable up to the in between the lines.

Love is deep companionship and you can connect with it, in the blink of an eye, within the shortest amount of time. Believe in it, hope for it, wish for it, keep it written there, in your own world of words.

And then, let the miracle happen.
The one of finding the fulfilling Love you desired, in whatever way that seems most joyful, content, and meaningful to you.

Keep creating.