Manifestation Themes

Whatever holds you back from being your happiest self -
you're going to find it and get it out of the way.


When words heal wounds.

To manifest means to create "a new normal".
You set a goal, you have a dream that you want to achieve -
and you become the version who has it.

It sounds simple.
And it is simple -
if it weren't for all the things that held us back.
The inner resistance.
The memories, the past.
The body memory, too.
The subconscious.
The roots, thoughts and "facts" that are so deeply imprinted in us, because they exist in your family, passed down, from one generation to the next.

You really have to let all of that go, to be who you truly are.

And that's what manifestation invites you to do - to change your mindset and your "normal". To rewrite your story, and build a "normal everyday" that reflects who you truly are.

Whatever needs to go - we all go through the same in different ways.

That's where the Themes come in. When you recognize what's holding you back , you can work on it and remove it. Remember - once it is removed, it will be a lot easier to reach for your goals.

You want to paint.
But boxes are blocking the way.

And that's what is holding you back from going for your dreams - the limiting beliefs that are boxes blocking the way.

If you don't take care of the boxes, you won't be able to pain your own version of success.

Take time to heal.
You will notice, with each goal comes a new lesson, more introspection, and something that bothers you.

We all go through the same in different ways. You find 33 Themes of "the things that bother you", to recognize them, work through them, and remove them.

That's how you set yourself free to reach for your own definition of a meaningful and fulfilling success.

Healing is the key.
To heal is to create.

The deeper you go, the higher you'll grow.
Don't be scared of meeting all of you, embracing every single part,
and celebrating who you are, to create your wonderful and beautiful dreams.

Manifestation Themes

This course comes with lifetime access if purchased individually.
This incudes all future updates and added contents.

This course is also available in the membership The Atelier.
You can access it for the entire time of your stay.