There is an idea inside of you,
sleeping, whispering, calling you.
Wake it up, let it live, write it out.
How do I know
if I am ready to write and publish?
You will never feel fully ready.
There will always be a small part inside of you saying that it could still be better, more this, or more that.
But the truth is also that you are more ready than you think. When an opportunity or a thought arrives, yes, you are ready for it.
So, if you have been thinking about sharing your writing, publishing a book, and turning from writer into author ... then that's a really good sign that "now" is a wonderful time to start.
Nothing is built when we wait for the perfect moment. Nothing is built when we don't start to create. But everything changes, once we choose to make things happen. When we take that tiny step, make this tiny decision, or simply take five minutes a day to write.
If a book is calling you,
it's time to bring it into the world.
You're the only one who can do it.
A quick overview - Why self-publish?
- Control: Self-publishing gives you full creative control over every aspect of your book, from the cover design to the content itself.
Speed: Self-publishing allows you to bring your book to market much faster. Technically, it does not need more than 72 hours to have your book available for print and delivery to your readers. You set the timeline based on your priorities.
Passive income: You keep a larger percentage from each book sale. Self-publishing offers higher royalty rates compared to traditional publishing.
- Reach: You're not limited by geographic boundaries or bookstore availability. Your book allows you to reach a community worldwide.
Updates: You have the flexibility to update and revise your book any time and thus, also include the feedback or wishes of your readers.
Ownership and Rights: By self-publishing, you retain full ownership of your work and its rights.
Write because you want to, choose to,
and in order to be you.
Create because that's who you are.
Create because you fall in love with transforming an idea.
Create because you love to share.
Create because it makes you feel at home.
Create because it fills you with joy.
Create, simply because you love it.
Giving yourself the permission to write
This is a little insight into one of the chapters of this course.
Writing begins with you giving yourself the permission to be a writer.
And your book can only turn you into an author if you first sit down and get your words onto its pages.
Course Layout
This course covers each step of the whole journey of self-publishing -
from the routine of writing, to a step-by-step guide of uploading your manuscript,
to promoting your work confidently, setting up your personal brand as author
... and working with the creative flow.
Life is much better if you spend some time in the world of words.
I am always writing. And I have always been writing. On napkins in coffee shops, scribbling some notes in between shifts when I was working as a waitress to finance my studies... of course, in English Literature.
My definition of a perfect day starts with a writing session in a coffee shop, and I've done that now for a few years. Seven books later, I must say ... I don't think I can spend a day without writing.
We write, to live. We write, to understand.
If it wasn't for my second book, The Healing Journals, this project The Journal of a Healer would never have been born. We owe it to a book that we connect here.
If you feel called to write, you have to write. You're a writer, you get to share your words. Please don't ever doubt it. The world is waiting for your stories. Start to tell them, and share them.
I hope this course encourages and inspires you, and serves as a reminder that the world of words is waiting for you. All there is to do is ... open the door, step in, and create!