Learn how to self-publish, promote & sell your Book.

Have you been wanting to publish your writing -
but have no idea how?

There are two ways to go about bringing a book into this world. One is to contact editorials and hand in your manuscript - the other is to use the self-publishing platform by Amazon and upload your book there.

This way is much faster and gives you a lot more control over your writing, marketing and even income from the revenue generated through each sale of your book.

What does it take to publish a book? The practical knowledge of how to hand it in on Amazon. And it needs the mindset and vision to turn from a writer into an author.

This is an all-encompassing course taking your hand and guiding you through the world of self-publishing.

You will learn everything necessary to successfully self-publish, reaching from how to use Amazon's platform to setting apart time for your writing, creating your Personal Brand and creating content to connect with your potential readers.

Self-Publish Your Book

Learn how to self-publish

You get life-time access to the contents of this course. Note that this course is also included in the membership The Atelier.

The chapters of this book consist of videos, audios, texts, and additional journal prompts to give you the best experience working through the contents and taking away from it as much as you can.

This is practical and applicate knowledge bundled with inspiration and mindset - which is both so important to birth a book and marketing it afterwards.

You never know where and how far a book will take you. That is entirely out of your control. What is in your control, however, is filling each step with your best intentions, energy and care for details.

The perfect moment to start is always now - and you have everything it takes to start writing and self-publishing.

Keep creating!

The benefits of self-publishing

  1. Control: Self-publishing gives you full creative control over every aspect of your book, from the cover design to the content itself. You can ensure your vision is preserved without making any compromise or cutting down on content you consider valuable for your readers.

  2. Speed: Unlike traditional publishing, which can take years from manuscript submission to bookshelves, self-publishing allows you to bring your book to market much faster. Technically, it does not need more than 72 hours to have your book available for print and delivery to your readers. You set the timeline based on your priorities.

  3. Higher Royalties: Self-publishing offers higher royalty rates compared to traditional publishing. You keep a larger percentage of the profits from each book sale, which can be financially rewarding. This way, your book turns into a passive income - if done well, this can give you more time and freedom to keep writing and keep creating.

  4. Global Reach: Self-publishing enables your book to reach readers worldwide. You're not limited by geographic boundaries or bookstore availability. Just like on social media, which allows you to interact with your readers worldwide, your book becomes an additional connection that allows you to reach a community worldwide.

  5. Updates: Should you want to make any updates, you can simply resubmit the manuscript with the changes you have made. You have the flexibility to update and revise your book any time and thus, also include the feedback or wishes of your readers.

  6. Ownership and Rights: By self-publishing, you retain full ownership of your work and its rights. You decide how to leverage these rights for future editions, translations, or adaptations.

Self-publishing empowers you to bring your stories and expertise to the world on your own terms, giving you the maximum creative freedom and flexibility.

Getting your book out there has never been easier - if you feel called to do it, use the incredible tool of self-publishing and make it happen.

Giving yourself the permission to write

This is a little insight into one of the chapters of this course.
Writing begins with you giving yourself the permission to be a writer.
And your book can only turn you into an author if you first sit down and get your words onto its pages.

6 x Author ... and more books coming

Write because you love writing.

Do art because that's who you are. Create something because you fall in love with the process of creating and transforming an idea. Create because you love to share.

A book really is such a beautiful way to give an idea to this world and let your readers be inspired and touched. As soon as you share it, it no longer belongs just to you and that's what art, since forever, was meant to be.

I published my first book 100 Ways to Speak of Love thinking nobody would ever read it, only to find out it had different plans. I found photos of it in my DMs showing it had travelled to all sorts of places, from Uganda to New York City, from Sweden to Argentina.

Thanks to my second book, The Healing Journals, you are reading this text here, right now. Because the book turned into a business, turning readers into Journalers.

I thought it would be a good idea to keep writing, and I did. In this course, I am sharing all of my secrets to writing with you, coupled with the knowledge around marketing your book and the trust it needs into yourself, your words, and the world of ideas.

If you feel called to writing, there is a reason for it. A book wants to be born, and the world is waiting for you to do it.

Start writing and keep creating!