Manifestation Templates

For a Journaling Routine that's easy to follow
and fun to keep up with


Think of your dreams as plans.

And just like you'd come up with spreadsheets or lists, next steps and checked to-does, that's how you approach your own dreams.

That's the only way you make them happen - by taking them seriously enough.

So, dream big and dream a lot -
we help you to get an overview of all of your dreams and stay on track.

You can download the pdfs of the Manifestation Templates and print them off -
or, you take them as a source of inspiration and create your very own version of them in your journal.

Each template comes as a chapter with a video explaining what it is about,
how to work with it, and how it helps you to get closer to your dreams and goals.

Create your best life - bit by bit, step by step, word by word.

Manifestation Templates

This course comes with life-time access if purchased individually.
That includes all future updates and added templates.

The Manifestation Templates are also part of the membership The Atelier
and you can access them during the entire time of your stay in The Atelier.